Jan 1, 2025: Mileage Increases to $0.70/mile

Per the IRS, the mileage rate will increase 3 cents to $0.70 cents per mile starting Jan 1, 2025.

New Judges Info Page

We now have a “New Judges” page on our website.  If you know someone who is just starting out or wants to start judging, please direct them to our PA/DE NAWGJ website and click on the link along the navigation bar!

Meet Ref Presentation- Deb Yohman

Click here for the presentation information.

Deb has received further clarification on the Meet Referee Form discussed in her presentation:
USAG has removed the Meet Referee Report Form from the Sanction packet. You will still sign the Sanction which is included in the meet director materials.  If and only if there are incidents to report, you will need to fill out the Meet Ref Report formYou can access the form through your USAG profile. That form that can be submitted by fax or email. Per the USAG member services, if there is nothing to report you do NOT have to do anything further besides sign the sanction.
The following link is provided by USA Gymnastic:  Meet Ref How To Guide